Classes & Events

Yoga introductory course

Short term introductory course not available now….check later

General class (Apply)

General classes 1:
General classes are for everyone, Asanas will be taught safely and progressively. Asanas include standing poses, inversions, forward bends, backbends, twists as well as restorative postures providing relaxation and the study of breathing. Asanas will help focus on the development of strength, flexibility, balance, and stamina. Props such as belts, blocks, blankets, bolsters, chairs, ropes and others will be used as required to create awareness in the posture and to meet individual needs.

General classes 2:
Students attending general classes or students with experience in Iyengar yoga tradition are eligible to attend these classes. The students who join these classes are expected to be having regular home practice.

These sessions will open up the core/essential principles of Yoga based on the foundation laid through General classes 1. Students will be given precepts to explore the infinite connections between body, mind and breath, essential kriyas will be delineated. These classes will lay a firm and safe foundation for higher aspects of Yoga – Pranayama, Meditation and other aspects.

General classes Schedule

Tuesday 6:00 – 7:15 AM General class 1
Thursday 7:00 – 8:15 PM General class 1
Saturday 7:00 – 8:15 AM General class 1
Sunday 7:00 – 9:00 AM General class 2

Any 1 or 2 sessions per week (4 classes/week or 8 classes/week) can be opted for General class 1